

Grapholinguistics in the 21st century—From graphemes to knowledge

G21C (Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century, also called /gʁafematik/) is a biennial conference bringing together disciplines concerned with grapholinguistics and more generally the study of writing systems and their representation in written communication. The conference aims to reflect on the current state of research in the area, and on the role that writing and writing systems play in neighboring disciplines like computer science and information technology, communication, typography, psychology, and pedagogy. In particular it aims to study the effect of the growing importance of Unicode with regard to the future of reading and writing in human societies. Reflecting the richness of perspectives on writing systems, G21C is actively interdisciplinary, and welcomes proposals from researchers from the fields of computer science and information technology, linguistics, communication, pedagogy, psychology, history, and the social sciences.

G21C aims to create a space for the discussion of the range of approaches to writing systems, and specifically to bridge approaches in linguistics, informatics, and other fields. It will provide a forum for explorations in terminology, methodology, and theoretical approaches relating to the delineation of an emerging interdisciplinary area of research that intersects with intense activity in practical implementations of writing systems.

The Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century Conference is kindly endorsed by ACL (Association for Computational Linguistics) and by ATypI (Association Typographique Internationale).


The first edition of G21C was held in Brest, France, on June 14-15, 2018 and the second edition was held online on June 17-19, 2020.

Sponsorized by IMT Atlantique and LabSTICC CNRS laboratory (UMR 6285)



June 8th, 2022

  • 08:50-09:00 CEST Conference Opening Greetings
  • 09:00-10:00 CEST Keynote Presentation:
    Richard Sproat. — Computational Methods in the Analysis of Graphical Symbol Systems
    Over thousands of years, humans have invented numerous graphical devices to represent information. Some of these have involved simple marks on surfaces, others much more elaborate systems of symbols inscribed on clay, written on more perishable materials, or even knotted into sets of cords. Most of these systems have represented information without being dependent on a particular natural language, but a few times in history such non-linguistic systems changed into systems that were tied to language: writing systems. Some of the interesting questions that can be asked about graphical symbol systems include: • How did non-linguistic symbol systems evolve into writing systems? • How can one tell if an uninterpretable ancient symbol system is writing or some sort of non-linguistic system? • And for linguistic systems, what kind of linguistic information do they represent and how do they represent it? My own interest for many years has been in computational approaches to these questions. In this talk I will review some of the prior work in this area and give some prognosis of where computational models could prove enlightening in the future.

  • 10:00-10:25 CEST
    Dimitrios Meletis. — Types of orthographic standardization: A sociolinguistic approach
    On the one hand, there exist many writing systems that are officially regulated via orthographic rules implemented by an authority of linguistic policy (an example being German), while on the other, we find ‘self-organizing’ and seemingly unregulated systems such as English. The normativity affecting writing systems and literacy practices—and underlying the contentious notion of ‘orthography’—is arguably more complex than this dichotomy implies. In this talk, I present sociolinguistic and structural criteria useful in a more fine-grained differentiation between diverse types of orthographic standardization.

  • 10:25-10:50 CEST
    Terry Joyce. — Reconsidering the distinction between partial and full writing systems
    This paper seeks to tease out three closely intertwined ramifications of the distinction between partial and full writing systems. The first pertains directly to the scope of writing system typologies, while the second underscores the limitations with the conventional approach to classifying writing systems. The third corollary is in recognizing that the partial/full continuum closely parallels the pleremic/cenemic contrast proposed by Haas (1976; 1983), which should also be interpreted as a complex continuum rather than naively as a sharp dichotomy.

  • 10:50-11:05 CEST Coffee break
  • 11:05-11:30 CEST
    Daniel Harbour. — Decipherment's missed step: What the Rosetta Stone could have taught us about hieroglyphs
    The decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs went through a post-Rosetta, pre-Philae slump (circa 1802–1815). I return to the Rosetta Stone and Åkerblad's work on it, arguing that he was poised to make three substantial advances. I also look later to the Young-Champollion rivalry and argue that critical steps have been misunderstood and misrepresented.

  • 11:30-11:55 CEST
    Amalia Gnanadesikan. — Amodal Morphology: Applications to Brahmic Scripts and Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
    If writing is a third modality of language (secondary to speech and sign), what kind of morphology does it have? The complex aksharas of Brahmic scripts are analyzed as stems (consonants) and affixes (vowels), analogous to spoken morphology but in two dimensions. The Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics scripts uses morphology that is analogous to that of signed languages.

  • 11:55-12:20 CEST
    Corinna Salomon. — Source eclecticism in the borrowing of writing
    The talk will discuss the concept of source eclecticism in the development of new scripts, with consideration of examples and methodological issues – which uncontested cases are there, what kinds of script mixture occur under which circumstances and why, how do we convincingly argue and distinguish them from alternative explanations for an apparent plurality of sources?

  • 12:20-12:45 CEST
    Zofia Janina Borysiewicz. — The second life of Chaim
  • 12:45-14:00 CEST Lunch break

  • 14:00-14:25 CEST
    Sveva Elti di Rodeano. — From clay tablet to digital tablet: the diamesic variation of writing
    The aim of this paper is to redefine the concept of diamesia, a metalinguistic term referring to language variation through the medium used for the communication, and apply it to writing system variation. For this purpose, the story of the term in both linguistics and grapholinguistics will be illustrated, providing cases of diamesic variation in writing and redefining the concept of medium.

  • 14:25-14:50 CEST
    Chenchen Song. — Sentence-final particle vs. sentence-final emoji: The syntax-pragmatics interface in the era of CMC
    Affective emojis in computer-mediated communication (CMC) convey speaker emotions or attitudes. This study compares them with affective discourse particles in languages that use them, especially sentence-final particles in Chinese. Despite their functional similarity, a unified treatment of affective elements in CMC and non-CMC contexts faces several challenges, and we need to think outside of the conventional linguistic box to properly approach the grammar of CMC.

  • 14:50-15:15 CEST
    Raiomond Doctor, Alexander Gutkin, Cibu Johny, Brian Roark and Richard Sproat. — Graphemic Normalization of the Perso-Arabic Script
    This paper documents the challenges that the Perso-Arabic script presents beyond the best-documented languages, such as Arabic and Persian, building on earlier work by the expert community. We particularly focus on the situation in natural language processing, which is affected by multiple, often neglected, issues such as the use of visually ambiguous yet canonically nonequivalent letters and the mixing of letters from different orthographies.

  • 15:15-15:40 CEST
    Antonio Perri and Liudmila Fedorova. — Emblematic techniques as textual strategies in non-linear and linear scripts
    Linearity presupposes one-dimensional order in the layout of signs, while emblematic composition addresses to the intuition of understanding. The early stages of writing demonstrate the emblematic arrangement of figurative signs, while linear order emerges with non-figurative units. Yet the story of writing repeatedly testifies the use of multi-linear structures, not only in Medieval western manuscripts but also in modern techniques.

  • 15:40-16:05 CEST Coffee break
  • 16:05-16:30 CEST
    Kyle Gorman and Richard Sproat. — On the Persistent Conflation of Writing and Language
    For historical reasons, most research in the field of natural language processing has focused solely on written text data. In this position paper, we argue this largely unacknowledged focus on written language has led to substantial confusion among practitioners resulting in particular in the conflation of the notions of "language" and "writing". We document this confusion and suggest some remedies.

  • 16:30-16:55 CEST
    Michal Shomer. — Multi-Gender Hebrew: Creating a New Space in the Hebrew Language
    How does gender come into play in Hebrew? What are some of the most pressing challenges Hebrew speakers face in a changing world, becoming more open and progressive? Why is it so important to use language in an inclusive and gender-neutral way? Introducing Multi-Gender Hebrew, a new set of innovative all-inclusive Hebrew letters, created by designer Michal Shomer, getting more and more traction.

  • 16:55-17:20 CEST
    Kamal Mansour. — The Sorcerer’s Brew: the unexpected results of typographic innovation
    The history of typography is lined with sundry brilliant inventors. Beginning with Gutenberg, pivotal protagonists altered the course of typography through innovative solutions to discrete problems. In numerous cases, their inventions prompted additional unanticipated changes, or even morphed into themes that eventually became integral to typography. We capture several pertinent cases and examine their manifestation in contemporary typography.

  • 17:20-17:45 CEST Best Paper Award:
    Helen Magowan. — De-Aestheticizing the Artist’s Brush: the Pragmatics of Calligraphic Writing
    This paper considers Japanese writing through close reading of 18th century printed calligraphy manuals for a style called nyohitsu, ‘the woman’s brush’. The choice to use nyohitsu is shown to be a pragmatic one, relating to social relationships between writer and reader, and nyohitsu’s distinctive graphic qualities are demonstrated to form a system which allowed modulation of the social effects of text.


June 9th, 2022

  • 09:00-10:00 CEST Keynote Presentation:
    Nina Nørgaard. — Typographic Meaning in the Novel
    While most novels for adults are typically set in standard black typography that readers hardly notice in their pursuit of narrative pleasure, some are typographically more experimental with implications for the meaning created. In this presentation, I will explore the meaning potential of typography in a literary context. My interest in typography is semiotic and communicative in nature and is informed by three rather basic questions: What does typography mean in the novel? How does it mean? And how can we describe typographic meaning-making in a systematic and consistent way? I will present and discuss a methodological framework for typographic analysis that originates in multimodal semiotics (van Leeuwen 2005a, 2005b, 2006) and has been further developed in a multimodal stylistics context (Nørgaard 2019).

  • 10:00-10:25 CEST
    Mary Dyson. — Perceptual disfluency through hard-to-read fonts: is there a satisfactory explanation?
    My talk describes the research which has demonstrated an apparent memory advantage for hard-to-read (less legible) text and points out the inconsistent findings. I then examine alternative theories for these counterintuitive results and contrast accounts which propose a metacognitive explanation with those which focus on earlier levels in the reading process: letter and word recognition.

  • 10:25-10:50 CEST
    Katy C Humberstone. — Tracing the Breton landscape of Gouarec: Typographetics in the LL
    Taking as a starting point the increased (but limited) interdisciplinary interaction between the study of linguistic landscapes - the presence of languages in public space, and visual culture (e.g., fonts, colours, and architecture in public space), this presentation focuses on the intersections of font and language usage (typographetics) in the landscape of a small village called Gouarec, in Central Brittany, France. These typographetics demand attention: the Breton language is increasingly visible for socioeconomic and identity ends, and Gouarec refracts these dynamics, its socioeconomic changes triggering a shift from French to Breton-named businesses, intersecting with a striking stylisation of fonts.

  • 10:50-11:05 CEST Coffee break
  • 11:05-11:30 CEST
    Tereza Slaměníková. — Secrets Hidden in Commercial Names: A Case Study of Chinese Restaurant Names in Prague
    While focusing on the extensive use of sinograms on restaurant fronts, this talk extends my previous research on Chinese restaurant naming practices in Prague, Czechia. The visual image analysis brings together linguistic and graphic perspectives. It attempts to capture the status of the foreign script displayed in the linguistic landscape of the city located in the ethnically and linguistically homogenous country.

  • 11:30-11:55 CEST
    Keisuke Honda. — Lexically valued signs in the current Japanese writing system
    The current Japanese writing system employs a multitude of lexically valued signs representing lexical entities as opposed to phonological or semantic entities. It is commonly assumed that such signs are limited to sinographs (i.e. kanji) and are predominantly monomorphemic. In reality, however, lexically valued signs are also found in other genealogically distinct signaries (i.e., hiragana, katakana, rōmaji), and they vary in the structure of both graphic form (i.e., mono-/polygraphic) and linguistic value (i.e. mono-/polymorphemic). These observations motivate a taxonomy of lexically valued signs in Japanese and possibly beyond. In this talk, I present a tentative classification and discuss its theoretical implications.

  • 11:55-14:00 CEST Lunch break

  • 14:00-14:25 CEST
    Pierre Magistry and Yoann Goudin. — Radical change? Shifting from cultural semantic speech to phonological cues for sinogram documentation, analysis and representation
  • 14:25-14:50 CEST
    Elvin Meng. — Life in the Six Scripts: A 12th-Century Chinese Scholar on Music, Magic, and the Morphogenesis of Writing
    This talk offers a new interpretation of the grapholinguistic writings of Zheng Qiao (1104–1162), a medieval scholar often hailed as a founding figure of modern Chinese grammatology, as outlining a generative and open system rather than a classification of a fixed set of standardized characters. In particular, Zheng Qiao’s knowledge of vernacular, non-Sinitic and non-glottographic forms of writing will be discussed as key components of his thought.

  • 14:50-15:15 CEST
    Kristian Paskojevic. — Application of the Grapholinguistics in the Palaeography. Study Case – Croatian Glagolitic and Cyrillic Palaeography
    The palaeographic research method based on the grapholinguistic approach has been tested on numerous documents and charters from the Croatian medieval period. Observed material was written in either Glagolitic or Cyrillic script. The main goal of this talk is the presentation of the new palaeographic researches conducted in this way which are related to the Croatian medieval litteracy.

  • 15:15-15:40 CEST
    Katharina Tyran. — Reinterpreting the semiotics of Glagolitic
    In my presentation I will address current usage of an archaic Slavic writing system, Glagolitic, in present day Croatia. Despite a lack of current referential function as a system for writing and reading, the Glagoljica has been conventionalized as an autochthonous national heritage, as a specific sign of Croatian cultural, and thus also national identity. I will exemplify my considerations by discussing the introduction of a specific celebration day to Glagolitic in Croatia in recent years.

  • 15:40-16:05 CEST Coffee break
  • 16:05-16:30 CEST
    Kelly McCay. — ‘Let vs Inglish not be ashamed’: Intellectual, Sociolinguistic, and Typographical Factors Behind Sixteenth-Century English Spelling Reform
    This paper tackles the grandiose subject of its title by focusing primarily on the three works of John Hart, a phonologist and orthographic reformer who saw a phonetic alphabet as the key to dialectical unity. It describes the gradual dwindling of Hart’s linguistic and nationalistic ambitions against the practicalities of 16th- century type-making, demonstrating the influence of the mundane upon the efforts of the orthographically idealistic.

  • 16:30-16:55 CEST
    Marc Wilhelm Küster. — Fantastic Letters - Writing in a Fictional World
    Fictional writing systems are intended for use in they fictional universe only. They may or may not be linked to fictional languages which are written in this writing system. In this talk I look at fictional writing systems over a period of roughly 500 years. This overview is naturally not complete, the number of fictional writing systems may well count into the thousands. I have selected for this abstract five initial examples both in the European and Sino-Japanese traditions, many of which are taken from popular culture.

  • 16:55-17:20 CEST
    Paolo Coluzzi. — The ideology of ‘monographism’ and the advantages of digraphia: The case of Lombard
    Western Lombard is written by different people using three main orthographies. This talk is going to discuss the possibility of accepting all of them, to make the Lombard one an out and out digraphic (or multigraphic) system. The advantages of using more than one orthography and how ‘monographism’ could be seen as an ideology are explained in the talk.

  • 17:20-17:45 CEST
    Julian Jarosch. — Reading and Rating Monospaced Fonts: Empirical Studies on the Ergonomics and Aesthetics of Non-Proportional Latin Script
    Although monospaced fonts are outdated technologically, they remain in some use. This raises two questions: Are they more or less legible than proportional fonts? And are they preferred or dispreferred aesthetically by typographical laypeople? This talk presents empirical findings from eye tracking and behavioral research on these two aspects for Latin script.


June 10th, 2022

  • 09:00-09:25 CEST
    Arvind Iyengar. — The akshara as a graphematic unit
    Emblematic of South and South-East Asian writing systems, the written unit called an ‘akshara’ may comprise free and bound graphetic elements, and denote a vowel phoneme or a consonant-vowel sequence. But how many free and bound elements can a single akshara have? Moreover, can we justifiably specify its boundaries in terms of phonological criteria? This is an attempt to define—and constrain—the akshara.

  • 09:25-09:50 CEST
    Duoduo Xu. — A Grapholinguistic Analysis of Dongba Script
    Dongba script, a surviving pictographic writing, provides a unique perspective to the observation of the written modality of a language. This presentation is an analysis of the structure of Dongba script from three aspects: the composition of the pictographs, the radicals attested in this logographic writing system, and the network of the graphs. It aims at a multi-dimensional grapholinguistic description of this script.

  • 09:50-10:15 CEST
    Jürgen Spitzmüller. — (Typo-)Graphic Knowledge: From ‘Semiotic Resource’ to ‘Social Practice’
    This talk introduces a perspective on typography which is informed by interactional sociolinguistics and metapragmatics. Like other modes of communication, typography is thereby conceived of as a socially enregistered form (‘design’) that is discursively associated with context expectations, experiences, values and beliefs (‘graphic ideologies’) and thus indexically shapes (‘contextualizes’) interpretive processes.

  • 10:15-10:30 CEST Coffee break
  • 10:30-10:55 CEST
    Rachel Garton, Merrion Dale, L. Somi Roy and Prafulla Basumatary. — Endangered Languages in the Digital Public Sphere: A case study of the writing systems of Boro and Manipuri
    A writing system is critical for endangered languages to be used in a wider array of contexts, but the development and adoption of a writing system and subsequent orthography can be a difficult process. Parallel to this, many communities share their language and culture on social media, which is less formal and allows users to explore alternative writing styles, spellings, and even scripts. To explore this further, this paper presents case studies of two vulnerable languages – Boro and Manipuri - through interviews with native speakers and the personal experiences of its co-authors.

  • 10:55-11:20 CEST
    David Klein and Jürgen Spitzmüller. — Blind Spots: On the Discursive (In-)Visibility of Braille as Opposed to Sign Language
    Drawing on a corpus compiled from (German writing) newspapers, we discuss the assumptions, values and beliefs (ideologies) that establish, shape and perpetuate the status of Braille in society and compare it to the perception of (Austrian, Swiss, and German) sign language in order to understand how the concept of Braille is discursively construed and negotiated in contrast to the discursively more visible and language-politically more successful sign languages.

  • 11:20-12:20 CEST POSTER SESSION
    • Gordon Berthin. — Qualitative and Quantitative Validation of Rongorongo Glyph Strings on Easter Island Artefacts
      Decipherment of Easter Island’s indigenous, rongorongo signwriting is frustrated for want of genuine artefacts (only 25-26 known). Applying metrics such as provenance, internal verse structure, and Zipf’s law conformity, I assess the authenticity of four, promising, additional specimens plus a contrasting “tourist piece” and an “artwork”. The four “contender” artefacts demonstrate fair to good probability of being authentic rongorongo.

    • Janusz S. Bień. — 16th century Latin brevigraphs in Unicode—a computer resource
      A public git repository is presented. It contains some brevigraphs, i.e., specific forms of scribal abbreviations. The brevigraphs are encoded in Unicode. They are organized into two indexes: one of the abbreviated word forms and the other one inverted, i.e., of the expanded word forms. From the technical point of view the indexes are just simple CSV files.

    • Yannis Haralambous, Nawal Fetnaci and Marie Varin. — On Arabic Braille
      Is Arabic braille a writing system? Do the basic properties of standard Arabic script persist in braille? Do graphemic properties such as hamza variation, phonetic proximity denoted by dots (nuqta), and emphasis denoted by a specific shape, have a counterpart in braille? What part of the system is due to inheritance from English braille? And what about regional graphemic variations? These are some of the questions to which we intend to answer.

    • Timo Homburg and Thierry Declerck. — Towards the Integration of Cuneiform in the OntoLex-Lemon Framework
      Our poster shows an approach to add representationfo cuneiform signs into the Ontolex-Lemon model. We define a new vocabulary that adds representations of cuneiform graphemes and their variants including etymology and their representations in character description languages. We interlink these representations to instances of Words in the Ontolex-Lemon model and to actual representations of cuneiform glyphs on physical objects using the CIDOC-CRMtex reference model. Finally, we discuss our ideas to apply this model to other script-based written and even non-written languages.

    • Hana Jee and Richard Shillcock. — Does Korean intentional grapho-phonemic systematicity assist learning?
      Would naïve participants notice the grapho-phonemic systematicity of Korean orthography, and utilize it for faster learning? Half of the participants learned the veridical Korean letter-sound association and the other half learned the fake letter-sound association. We failed to show that people exploited the systematicity of orthography. However, the results brought up interesting patterns in terms of learning letter-sound association.

    • Tomi S. Melka and Robert M. Schoch. — The Intersection between Art, Non-Linguistic Symbol Systems, and Writing: The Case of the Wari, Tiwanaku, and Inka Iconographies
      We focus on iconographic aspects of Wari-Tiwanaku (who occupied portions of modern Perú, Bolivia, and Chile, circa 100 BCE to 1100 CE) artifacts, particularly tapestry tunics. The hypothesis that the graphic W-T elements constituted a cogent semiotic system is explored. Many of the W-T elements reminisce (or evoke) the later classic Inka (circa late 15th to early 16th centuries CE) geometric-like / stylized t‘oqapu patterns which it has been argued formed a visual system based on mnemonic-like principles with possibly emerging logographic elements per various scholars.

  • 12:20-14:00 CEST Lunch break

  • 14:00-14:25 CEST
    Christine Kettaneh. — Asemic Writing
    Asemic writing invites us to read but leaves us wanting. This talk explores the effects of asemic writing and suggests that asemic writing, even if devoid of verbal meaning, is not meaningless. Asemic writing may be an invitation to explore: the physicality of its production, the relationship between word and image, and the nature of thought.

  • 14:25-14:50 CEST
    Dana Awad and Ghassan Mourad. — Elements of Arabic paragraph structure: a contrastive study with French
    I will talk about my ongoing research project on the Arabic paragraph. It consists of three parts : a summary of previous linguistic work on what is considered a paragraph, different methods of paragraph analysis according to the type of texts and the application of the different analysis methods on a collection of press articles. I will finish my presentation with a contrastive analysis between Arabic and French paragraph structure (using a bilingual corpus). The objective of the contrastive analysis is to explain the logical reason translators sometimes choose to translate a paragraph into two and vice-versa.

  • 14:50-15:15 CEST
    Haitham Taha. — Does statistical learning, as a cognitive tool, determines the effectiveness of grapheme learning? evidence from typical and poor readers
    A cognitive tool called “implicit learning” enables us to remember stimuli, their features, and regularities and to predict their occurrence. One of the main factors which affect the quality of such implicit learning is the frequency of the exposure to the specific stimuli. Such a process of implicit recognition of the stimulus features based on its past occurrence and is known as “statistical learning”. Poor orthographic learning is supposed to be associated with poor statistical learning.

  • 15:15-15:40 CEST
    Cornelia Schindelin. — The Chinese Script as a Self-regulating System. Applying Köhler's Basic Model of Synergetic Linguistics to Chinese Characters
    A brief report on a study endeavoring to show whether simplified characters, their properties and occurences in a large text corpus show the same kinds of relationships as vocabularies. Köhler’s Basic Model of Synergetic Linguistics serves as starting point but had to be adapted. Function fits and comparisons between fitted functions and theoretical functions derived from the model plus some conclusions are presented.

  • 15:40-16:05 CEST Coffee break
  • 16:05-16:30 CEST
    Adrien Contesse, Chloé Thomas, Morgane Rebulard, Claire Danet, Claudia S. Bianchini, Léa Chevrefils and Patrick Doan. — Designing a Transcription Font for Mouth Actions in Sign Languages : The Typannot Typographic System
    In Sign languages, the mouth carries meaningful linguistic information yet this parameter has not been studied as much as others, such as handshapes. In this presentation, we will focus on the mouth action font of the Typannot font family and will present our approach and current methodology in setting up the the typographic system and designing typefont.

  • 16:30-16:55 CEST
    Joseph Dichy. — Why did Semitic writings not include short vowels in their alphabet inventory? Two complementary explicative hypotheses
    The question is traditional in histories of writings (Marcel Cohens’s, Février’s, Gleb’s onwards) and Semitic studies (David….). A first answer assumes vowels not to have been conceptualised in Semitic “consonantal writings. It no longer holds, because of the now prevalent idea that writing systems are related to their language (Coulmas…; for Semitic writings and Arabic, Dichy, 1990 and 2022, under press). A second hypothesis (Février, Marcel Cohen… and many Arab linguists), suggests that Semitic patterns make up for the lack of vowels, which does not hold either. We present here two complementary explicative hypotheses. The first, according to which, in Semitic writings, the phono-graphic convention—which resulted in the inventory of graphemes noted in the body of words—is essentially rhythmical (or metrical). It can be phrased as follows: “Write a letter for the initial of every syllable, adding a second letter if the syllable is long (CVC or CVV form, where C is for “consonant” and VV is for “long vowel”) – Dichy 1990…The second concept is that of the Analytic of writing, according to which writing systems stem from the way in which a given culture analyses the structures of its own language. Complementary to the finite inventory of phono-graphic units in alphabetic writings, the Analytic of writing resulted in the indication of word boundaries through different coded ways: the complex structure of word-forms complement the finite inventory of graphemes, words echoing letters, reading echoing writing.



Yannis Haralambous, IMT Atlantique & CNRS Lab-STICC, Brest, France


The conference will be held in hybrid mode: participants will be able to present and interact in videoconference mode (Zoom) or to assist physically, if sanitary conditions allow it. The physical location will be: Thévenin Amphitheater, Télécom Paris, 19 place Marguerite Perey, 91120 Palaiseau, France. Access Information

Important dates

Submission deadline: January 10th 20th 26th, 2022 
Notification of acceptance: April 4th, 2022
Conference: June 8-10, 2022
Submission of paper for Proceedings: October 3rd, 2022
For more information on the conference please visit 

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Best Paper Award

After the end of the conference, participants will vote online for the best presentation (keynote speeches and poster are excluded). The presentation with the most votes will receive the Best Paper Award of the Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century Conference 2022. Instructions for voting are sent by email to registered participants.

Registration Fee

  • Full registration (onsite participation) : 100 €
  • Onsite full registration includes lunches, coffee breaks and a T-shirt (size to be given during registration). Onsite registration deadline: May 30th, 2022.
  • Dinner event, on June 9th, 2022 : 50 €
  • Extra T-shirt : 20 €
  • Full registration (online participation) : 30 €

To register, please click on "Registration". in cas you already have a sciencesconf.org account please use your credentials to enter. Otherwise please fill in your personal data in the form that will be displayed. Besides your personal data, we will need the following:

  • your timezone, especially for those participating in online mode
  • the choice between onsite participation (€100) and online participation (€30)
  • in case you participate onsite, the number of participants at the dinner event (on June 9th, 2022, 19:30), between 0 and 4. The cost for each person is €50
  • your food preferences (no preferences or vegetarian)
  • onsite participation entitles to you to a T-shirt preference (included in the €100 fee), please indicate the size
  • if you want extra T-shirts please given us the quantity and sizes


The Proceedings will be published by Fluxus Editions publishing house (Brest, France) as a volume of the Grapholinguistics and Its Applications Series. Articles in the Proceedings can be 12-60 pages long (LaTeX article style) and can be written in English, French or German. Instructions can be found here. The submission deadline is October 3rd, 2022.

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